Body Scanners & CTX Scanners for electronic items to be installed. No timeline given.

Ludhiana ( Gurvinder sidhu) MP Arora stated in a statement today that he had asked question about installation of full body scanners & CTX scanners at Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA), Delhi and other airports in the ongoing session of Rajya Sabha.

Arora had asked whether it is a fact that IGIA, Delhi was supposed to have full body scanners by May 2024; and if so, the reasons for missing the deadlines twice and by when Bureau of Civil Aviation Society (BCAS) is expected to install them.

He said replying to his question on July 29, the Minister of Civil Aviation Kinjarapu Rammohan Naidu stated that Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS), the aviation security regulator of India, has issued the latest order setting the timeline for installation of Full Body Scanners (FBS) at IGI airport, Delhi as June 2024. The timeline for installation of FBS changed due to evolving technical specifications and Standard Operating Procedure, based on trials conducted at IGI airport, Delhi by BCAS.

Arora astonished that the Minister’s reply on July 29 mentioned about latest order setting the “timeline” for installation of Full Body Scanners (FBS) at IGI airport, Delhi as June 2024 whereas he should have given a specific or categorical reply instead of talking of “timeline”. He said as such, the Minister’s reply looks insignificant as it looks an “outdated” answer as on date.

Meanwhile, Arora said he had asked another question whether government is planning to install Computed Tomography X-ray (CTX) machines at airports allowing passengers to keep electronic items in their hand baggage during security checks; and if so, the expected timeline for installation of these CTX machines.

Answering to this question, Minister of State for Civil Aviation Murlidhar Mohol stated that Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS), the aviation security regulator of India envisages for installation of CTX at new and major airports so as not to divest electronic items from hand baggage during security check. Presently, BCAS has kept the installation of CTX on hold.

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