District Administration Identifies 100 Villages Prone to Stubble Burning, Intensifies Vigilance

Moga   (   Manpreet singh) – To prevent stubble-burning incidents during the upcoming paddy harvesting season, the district administration has devised a special strategy. The administration has identified 100 villages where the highest number of stubble-burning incidents were reported last season.

Deputy Commissioner Vishesh Sarangal said that these villages will be under intense scrutiny, and any attempts to burn stubble will invite stern legal action. He added that sufficient agricultural machinery is available in the district, and farmers can contact the agriculture department for assistance.

Deputy Commissioner Sarangal said that last season in district Moga, the maximum number of fires was 46 in village Lopon of sub-division Nihal Singh Wala, while 45 in village Wandar, 43 in Himmatpura and Langeana Newan, 42 in Bhalur and Saidoke.  40 fire incidents were reported in Roanta, 39 in Buttar and Daudhar Sharki, and 38 in village Rauke Kalan.  He said that there was no shortage of agricultural machinery in the villages where these incidents had taken place.  There were many villages where double the number of agricultural machinery was available than in the fire incidents.

He said that the administration has appointed 22 cluster officers and 334 nodal officers to monitor and prevent stubble-burning incidents. Awareness camps are also being organized to educate farmers about the ill effects of stubble burning.
Residents can report any stubble-burning incidents to the administration, which will take immediate action.

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