DC Moga calls upon residents to come up with innovative and out of box ideas

Moga,  (  Manpreet singh) – Mr Vishesh Sarangal, Deputy Commissioner Moga,  said that Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has launched a new initiative Ideas4LiFE  for inviting ideas related to products and services, which induce behavioral changes related to environment-friendly lifestyles.

He called upon the fraternity of students, research scholars, faculty and innovators to come up with innovative and out of box ideas, which will work towards mindful and deliberate utilization of resources.
He said this initiative aims to encourage and motivate students, faculty and research scholars to contribute their innovative ideas to the global initiative of Mission LiFE. He said this is a remarkable opportunity for inspired minds to participate in the global movement dedicated to environmental sustainability.

that all sorts of basic things we get from nature are in the purest form but in return our output  is  impure. He said this is the time to introspect and to save nature and help in sustaining it for future generations. Nature provides us with food, oil, energy and medicine for our living. When nature gives us everything that is needed for survival, then it is also our responsibility to save it, he added.

Mr Vishesh Sarangal said there is a need for this initiative and it is a collective responsibility to make it a success. Mindful and deliberate use of all resources will help us to save nature, he added.

The portal ‘Ideas4Life.nic.in’ will allow participants to submit their ideas and innovations online. The winning ideas under each of the seven themes of Mission LiFE will be recognized and awarded with attractive prizes for individuals as well as for institutions. The deadline for submitting ideas and solutions on the portal is 15th September, 2024.

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